The Unsung Heart Hero

The Unsung Heart Hero

Cardiovascular disease remains one of our top global health concerns. We would be wise to do what we can to support overall heart health. Many recent studies have shown the power of one particular nutrient: vitamin K2. This unsung hero has been proven to reduce the incidence of heart disease and stroke. So how does it work?


The fat-soluble K vitamins are necessary for proper blood coagulation, which in and of itself benefits the cardiovascular system. But more specifically, vitamin K2 has been shown to prevent the build up of calcium in the arteries and blood vessels. It does this by directing calcium from the blood stream into the bone matrix, instead of allowing it to be deposited into the arteries. And since thousands of people die every day because plaques containing calcium build up in their blood vessels, you can see why this is an incredibly valuable task.


Although vitamin K can be found in small amounts in chicken, butter, egg yolks, cheese and fermented soy beans, it is rare in the western diet, so supplementation with this powerful nutrient is a great heart-protective strategy. For most people, diet alone will not help them meet their daily requirement of vitamin K2, so daily use of vitamin K2 makes it easy to get optimum levels of this deserving nutrient.

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