How To Reduce The Symptoms Of The Common Cold & Flu
Humankind has been troubled throughout history by the viral infection known as the common cold, but rarely has it and viruses like the flu received as much attention as they do today. On average, Canadian adults contract between 2 – 5 colds each year, with an 85% chance of experiencing at least one within that period.1 With colds lasting an average of five days, the results are extreme discomfort and unwanted downtime from work and school.
Cold and flu-like symptoms, caused by our immune system’s reaction to the viral infection can manifest in the form of sneezing, coughing, itchy eyes, runny noses, sore throats, headaches, aching muscles, fatigue and headaches. What can one do to reduce these troubling symptoms, or preferably, prevent them from occurring in the first place? Traditional Chinese medical doctors have long been using combinations of powerful herbs for the relief and prevention of viral infections and modern science is now supporting these beliefs. The practice of Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has evolved over the last 4,000 years.
In TCM, health is viewed as a complete state of well-being. Health is maintained as long as there is an abundant supply of free flowing life energy, or “Qi” (pronounced “chee”). It is an unseen energy that supports our body’s ability to function properly. It provides nourishment for every cell, tissue, muscle, organ and gland. Our body uses Qi to accomplish everyday activities. Each organ and meridian pathway needs to be fed and filled with an ample supply of Qi in order to function optimally. One of the physiological functions of Qi is to defend our body from the invasion of toxins such as virus or bacteria.
When we exhibit signs and symptoms, we’re already “sick.” When this occurs, it is vital to do something to enhance your Qi right away, before the virus knocks you down. When external pathogenic factors, like a cold virus or bacteria, invade the body, they first attack its superficial, exterior aspects. Symptoms associated with the exterior then appear: sore throat, chills, fevers, headaches, stiff neck, and overall muscle aches. A proper blend of TCM herbs can address each symptom individually and systematically.
The Chinese herb Fang Feng release the toxins trapped in the exterior and alleviate pain. This action consumes a considerable amount of Qi in the body. The user will notice a reduction in neck stiffness and overall muscle aches. Fang Feng, however, requires sufficient Qi for back up. Astralagus (Huang qi) is used to strengthen Qi and to boost the immune system. Andrographis (Chuan xin lian) clears heat and drains dampness from the contaminated Qi. From a modern biomedical perspective, it has anti-microbial, anti-pyretic, anti-inflammatory and anti-viral effects.
An introduction of a virus into our system can contribute to a damp pathogenic influence which causes Qi stagnation in the stomach, especially if there is a pre-existing digestive condition. This weakens the immunity and leaves the body more vulnerable to infection. The aromatic Huo Xiang dispels the ‘dampness’ and produces a significant inhibitory effect in vitro on many pathogenic fungi and leptospirosis. North American Ginseng benefits Qi, generates fluids for ‘Yin’ deficiency with heat signs, such as irritability and thirst. Viruses and bacteria multiply rapidly in our body when we get sick with cold and flu. Do not wait.
Immediate relief of cold symptoms is possible if treatment is applied in the earliest stages. Other tips to help prevent colds from getting worse:
- Do not force yourself to eat if you are not hungry
- Save the energy required for digesting and preserve your energy for immunity
- Drink lots of water to keep the body’s mucous moist
- Get sufficient rest
- Wash your hands frequently to prevent virus contraction
- See your health care practitioner if cold symptoms persist.
Ask The Doctor
Cold-Defense was formulated with the assistance of Dr. Victor Wong, an experienced practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine and acupuncture. Dr. Wong answered several common questions asked about ColdDefense.
Q: Is Cold-Defense safe? Does it have any possible interactions? Cold-Defense has shown no adverse effects in clinical use and the ingredients in the ColdDefense formula have been used for thousands of years in traditional Chinese medicine. Do consult your health care practitioner if you are taking medications or have a known disease or disorder.
Q: When should I take Cold-Defense? Cold-Defense can be taken for immediate relief of cold and flu symptoms with an intense dosage over four days. It can also be taken at one capsule per day for preventative care or detoxification on a long-term basis.
Q: So I feel a cold or flu coming on and take Cold-Defense. What results can I expect? Cold-Defense is most effective if taken at the first onset of symptoms. Most people notice relief within the first two to four days. Symptoms may persist if Cold-Defense is taken at a later stage of infection. Cold-Defense can be used to eliminate the toxins at that stage.
Q: How does Cold-Defense differ from popular TV-marketed natural cold formulas such as Cold-FX® ? Cold-Defense contains herbs that treat a variety of infections including significant inhibitory effect in vitro on many pathogenic fungi and leptospirosis. It also enhances digestion, vitality and the immune system. Unlike Cold-Defense, Cold-FX® does not contain herbs to relieve muscle aches or stomach flu.
Q: Has Cold-Defense been tested in a clinical setting? The herbs used in Cold-Defense have been used for hundreds of years to fight colds and flu. Andrographis has shown to be as effective as acetaminophen in studies, but without suppressing the immune system. It both reduces symptoms and hastens recovery from illness. The specific combination of herbs used in Cold-Defense has been tested with patients at my Calgary clinic. The results have been very encouraging. Not only was Cold-Defense effective in helping fight colds and flu, but we noticed improvements in patients who have had long-standing immune issues. Furthermore, patients with sensitive digestive systems easily tolerated the formula. Clinical observations with the formula are on-going.
Q: Will Cold-Defense over-stimulate my immune system? No. Cold-Defense is a balanced formula. It cleanses the toxins produced from the viral infection in the early stages. It also detoxifies the body in the long-term when taken at a low dosage, such as one capsule daily.
Q: Can I take Cold-Defense if I’ve had a flu shot? Yes, but only after you have recovered from the healing reaction from the flu shot.
1. Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety.
2. http://chealth.canoe.ca
Dr. Victor Wong Dr. Wong is an Acupuncturist registered in Alberta and a Traditional Chinese Medical Doctor. He has been in private practice in Canada for 15 years, helping thousands of people achieve better health.