How Can I Protect My Vision?

How Can I Protect My Vision?



Our sense of sight is a gift that none of us wish to lose. Many people, however, do face the unfortunate experience of vision loss, most commonly due to age-related macular degeneration, or AMD. This condition, which affects adults as they age, causes damage to the retina, affecting the center of the visual field. This makes things such as reading and recognizing faces difficult as one must rely more on peripheral vision.


There are a number of lifestyle factors we can focus on to reduce our risk of vision loss such as avoiding smoking, reducing exposure to pollution, lowering stress levels, and wearing UV protective sunglasses. We can also be sure to eat a diet rich in antioxidants from fruit and vegetables, as antioxidants can help to prevent cellular damage to the retina by disarming free radicals. We can also reduce our risk by supplementing with specific vitamins and carotenoids. Specifically, vitamin C, vitamin E, lutein, zeaxanthin, zinc, and copper have been proven to reduce the incidence of AMD in high risk people.


Health First Vision Supreme contains this combination of vital vitamins and minerals along with other natural antioxidants from bilberry and goji berry. Along with helping reduce the risk of AMD, it helps lower the likelihood of cataracts and slows the progression of diabetic and hyper-intensive retinopathy. Vision Supreme helps maintain eyesight and support eye health, making it an excellent aid for nurturing your gift of sight.

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