Concerned About Supplementing With Calcium?

Concerned About Supplementing With Calcium?

Calcium is one of the key minerals that makes up our bones. It covers and protects the collagen “rebar” of the bones like a natural concrete. Humans are unable produce their own calcium – we must consume it through the diet.

The Osteoporosis Society recommends 1,000 mg – 1,200 mg of calcium intake per day for adults to help prevent osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is a condition where bone density is weakened to the point that the risk of bone fracture increases. Calcium can be found in dairy products such as milk, cheese and yogurt, as well as plant sources such as almonds and beans. Although calcium is necessary to bone health and can play a role in preventing osteoporosis, simply supplementing with extra calcium alone may not impact bone mineral density and may come with its own health concerns.

Recent studies have led to media headlines cautioning about the risks of supplementing with calcium. Researchers believe that an increased risk of cardiovascular events is associated with poor calcium absorption. The concern is that high doses of supplemental calcium are not being absorbed by the bones and are instead collecting in the arteries and soft tissues of the body.

If you are getting sufficient calcium in your daily diet and are trying to prevent or manage osteoporosis, there are new, advanced supplements that can make a difference.

A milk protein, known as milk basic protein, has been clinically proven to increase bone mineral density in humans. Milk basic protein is a small fraction of the proteins that makes up 3.2% of milk. This tiny protein concentrated from New Zealand dairy sources has life-changing potential for bone health.

By consuming only 40 mg, or one single daily capsule of milk basic protein, studies show that this protein can accelerate the production of osteoblasts which form new bone, while decelerating the osteoclasts that break down old bone. Women during menopausal hormone changes typically become unbalanced in bone health – their osteoclasts break down more bone than their osteoblasts can build, leading to a net loss of bone mineral density and an increased risk of osteoporosis. Milk basic protein can rebalance bone health.

Several double-blind, placebo-controlled studies have been conducted on milk basic protein and its ability to increase bone mineral density. One study showed that by taking milk basic protein every day for 6 months, adult women were able to increase their bone mineral density in their radial bone by 3%, while the placebo group lost 1% over the same period. This impressive increase was accomplished without any calcium supplementation. In fact, milk basic protein helps the calcium in one’s diet stick to the bone by increasing the production of bone-forming osteoblasts. Further studies have reconfirmed the ability of milk basic protein to increase bone mineral density in women of all ages, including young women, making it an excellent preventative solution for bone health.

Milk basic protein is the active ingredient in a Canadian-made supplement called BoneMD®. BoneMD® is registered with Health Canada and recognized for its ability to increase bone mineral density. It comes in one-month or money-saving three-month packages.

While you may continue to take calcium supplements if you don’t get enough calcium in your diet, get to the root of the problem by using BoneMD® clinically-proven to actually make a difference to bone density.

 We have also linked our article on improving bone health naturally. We broke down things you can do before and after age 30 to improve your bone health.

Disclaimer: This information is provided for educational purposes only, and is not intended for self-diagnosis or self treatment of conditions that should be assessed and treated by your health care practitioner. While the information contained in this document has been carefully reviewed and reflects current clinical and scientific knowledge, it is subject to change.

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