Supplements You Can Use At Any Age

Supplements You Can Use At Any Age

While the best way to get your proper daily nutrients is through diet, sometimes we are unable to fulfill those requirements on a daily basis. Especially with factors like: work, stress, illness, pregnancy and lack of sleep, these can make it harder or increase the need for a certain nutrient. In those cases we need additional support. This is where supplements play an important role.

They are called "supplements" for this very reason — they are supplementary to our diet. If you are curious as to what supplements to take, lets take a look at this general guide. It suggests certain nutrients that are beneficial for women to take at any age!


1. Fish Oil

Fish Oil is rich in a healthy fat known as "Omega-3" that you must get from your diet. In order to attain the recommended amount in your diet, it is suggested to eat 1-2 portions of fish a week. With different diets, work schedules and shopping availability it can be difficult to reach the recommended amount. This is where a Fish Oil supplement can help!

There are three types of Omega 3's: ALA, EPA and DHA. The EPA and DHA are the fatty acids that people are most deficient in because they occur mainly in animal products like fatty fish, fish oil and some algae. Since your brain is made of 60% fat, attaining healthy omega-3 levels are essential for proper brain function.

Omega-3's also play an important role in supporting early growth and development. Before pregnancy, during and while breastfeeding, Omega-3's are suggested in order to support brain and eye development; as well as supporting the pregnancy itself. If you are looking to take a fish oil, aim to get a minimum of 200-500 mg of combined EPA and DHA. 


2. Calcium

Calcium plays many important roles in the body. From muscle contraction to blood clotting, regulating heartbeat and building strong bones and teeth. Women are suggested to get a minimum of 500-700 mg of Calcium a day. It can be easily found in food sources like broccoli, kale, trout, skim milk and sesame seeds. But unless you are consuming some of these foods everyday, you aren't getting the required daily intake.

Almost 99% of the calcium in the human body is found in our bones and teeth. Which means that it is essential during development, growth and maintenance of bone health. Our bodies get the calcium it needs for basic functions by releasing stored calcium in our bones, into the blood. This is done in a process known as bone remodeling — the process of bone being constantly broken down and rebuilt.

So, it is important to note that Vitamin D helps the body to absorb and retain calcium in the body. So when you are looking for a calcium supplement aim to get one that contains Vitamin D and as well as Vitamin K which regulates calcium deposition. Your body is only able to absorb 500 mg of Calcium at a given time, so look for a lower milligram supplement that is also sourced from algae or is in a citrate form which is more bioavailable to the body.


3. Biosil:

Collagen is the most abundant protein in the human body. It is found in the bones, skin, muscles and tendons of the human body. But, once you reach age 21, it starts to diminish year by year. With vitamins and minerals we are able to replace what we have lost, but with collagen we are unable to do so because it is a protein.

When you ingest collagen, your body digests collagen like any other protein (such as chicken, fish or steak). It breaks it down into amino acids and simply uses it as food. So instead, your body must make its own collagen. The key to generating collagen is to activate the enzymes that assemble these amino acids into collagen fibers. 

BioSil’s ingredient (ch-OSA) activates collagen-generating enzymes and has been clinically proven to  increase collagen formation, increase skin elasticity 89%*, reduce fine lines and wrinkles 30%*, increase hair strength 13.1%* **, increase hair shaft diameter (thickness)   12.8% * ** and significantly increase nail strength*. What’s more, BioSil protects both the newly generated collagen as well as your existing collagen.


4. Vitamin D:

 Also known as the "sunshine vitamin", because your skin produces it in response to sunlight. This fat soluble vitamin can be produced in your skin, can be obtained in food or through supplements. During the warmer months when the sun is out we get plenty of Vitamin D. But during the colder months, when the days are shorter and less sunlight is available it is difficult for us to get adequate levels. 

Unless we are consuming Vitamin D rich foods on a daily basis like, fatty fish, beef liver, herring, egg yolks, and salmon, we aren't meeting our daily needs. Vitamin D is needed in the body as it has many important functions. It regulates the absorption of calcium, supports immune system function and is important for the normal development and growth of bones and teeth. This is where a Vitamin D supplement can come into play.

The recommended dietary allowance for adults is 1000IU or 25mcg. Most Vitamin D supplements on the market are available in 400IU (10mcg) for infants and children or 1000IU (25mcg) for adults. They come in liquid drops, tablets, soft gels and sprays. So there is a variety of options to choose from, which makes it is easy to get the amount you need!


5. B-Complex

Unfortunately, most adults are getting a fraction of the required B-vitamins they need on a daily basis. These vitamins are considered essential, because we cannot make them on our own and must get them in our diet. They are highly valued because they are water soluble, which means we cannot store them. Our bodies use them throughout the day, so we have to replenish our supply by eating vitamin B rich foods frequently.

Vitamin B's are known for their ability to turn other nutrients into energy, they also support nerve function, fetal growth and development during pregnancy and skin and hair health. Anyone that is following a vegetarian or vegan diet are more prone to being Vitamin B12 deficient because it is found mainly in animal products. So in this care it is vital to get the proper nutrients required through fortified foods or a supplement. 

A B-Complex provides the 8 different B-Vitamins that are required daily. They can range from 25mg - 100mg of each vitamin per capsule. 

There are 8 different B-vitamins that together make up a "B-Complex". A complex normally contains:

  • Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)
  • Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)
  • Vitamin B3 (Niacin)
  • Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic acid)
  • Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine)
  • Vitamin B7 (Biotin)
  • Vitamin B9 (Folic Acid)
  • Vitamin B12 (cobalamin)

Depending on your needs, older adults, pregnant women and vegetarians/vegans can require higher amounts. The lower milligram range can supply you with your required daily intake. 

Considering that calcium plays so many important roles in the body, lets take a look at what you should look for in a calcium/magnesium supplement!

**Always consult with your nutritionist or doctor before starting any new supplements!

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